Did you know that thoughts just do not pop up in your head randomly? They are made up of some raw materials.
Depending upon the quality of these raw materials you use, your thoughts will be produced accordingly. So if your raw materials are good, you will create positive thoughts; if your raw materials are bad, you will create negative thoughts.
3 Raw Materials That Makeup Thoughts
1. Information
The information you consume throughout the day has a big role to play in the type of thoughts that you will create.
E.g., If you read books that are high on drama, you will also create thoughts with dramatic tones. If you watch lots of comedy shows then you will tend to have a funny perspective on all the situations in your life.
Your thoughts are the culmination of what you watch, listen and read.
The good news is that you can choose the type of information you want to consume. So if you consciously choose to consume the information in accordance with the kind of life you want. Your thoughts will be based more on it and ultimately your life too.
E.g. you want to reduce weight then you have to consume more information about people reducing weight, eating healthy food and exercising regularly. It goes without saying that you should refrain from thinking that they can and you can’t. You need to then think that if they can so can I.
When you start consuming good-quality information, the quality of your thoughts will gradually be good. When you do this you change your thoughts from the base and are not forcefully trying to superficially change your thoughts.
Here you don’t have to put efforts to change your thoughts, here you will have to put your efforts into choosing good quality information over the bad ones.
You might also be interested in reading my blog on 6 Easy Steps To Manifest Your Destiny.
2. Belief System
Your belief system comprises your judgement and perception of other people, yourself, your situations, experiences and the world in general.
For e.g., if you believe in being punctual then for people who are not punctual, you form a negative judgement about them. If you are a big believer in speaking softly and with respect, you will need a better perception of loudmouths.
In order to have positive thoughts you will need to change your judgement and perception of people, your situations, and your experiences from negative to positive.
It is important to learn to accept people as they are, just because we like to be punctual does not mean everyone has to be punctual. I am not saying that you should accept any form of abuse or anything like that. What I mean is that other people’s behaviour should not cost you, your peace of mind.
We all have our own weaknesses so let’s just cut down on negative judgement and perceptions. To change your belief system you can use positive affirmations like ‘I accept everyone as they are’, ‘I only see good in other people’, ‘I choose to be happy in all the situations of my life’ etc. etc.
I know it is easier said than done. Changing the belief system will require constant effort, time, and patience. But it definitely can be changed.
Also, check out my blog on 4 Ways In Which Your Present Thoughts Affect Your Life
3. Past Experience
Your thoughts are greatly influenced by your past experience. We all tend to replay our past experiences again and again.
If the experiences you think about give you happiness then you are on the right track. When you play negative past experiences at that time the problem arises. This is what needs to be changed.
In order to think positive thoughts you will need to cut back on giving your energy to negative past experiences.
You will need to learn to be kind to yourself and develop the superpower to forget and let go of past baggage.
When you let go of the past you are not doing a favour to anyone else but yourself. Every single time you think about any negative experience, you are giving yourself pain again and again.
If you want to have positive thoughts and positive life, you will have to forgive and forget the past.
Summon your determination and bolster up your willpower and gently but firmly tell yourself, ‘I only think about happy past experiences’.
If you are adventurous then you can change the negative experience into a positive one. E.g., if you love to go out and your husband likes to stay at home and you have regular fights over it then you can change your perception to “its OK if he is not outgoing, I am and I can go out with my friends or even alone.”
Every single time you transform your negative past experience into a positive one, you will feel more and more liberated, light and strong.
You would also like to read my blog on 4 Easy Tips To Heal All Your Emotional Hurt
Bottom Line
When you learn to control negativity in all these 3 areas, you will by default generate positive thoughts. So do yourself a favour and feed your mind positive information, beliefs and experiences and watch the magic unfold.
It’s the first step towards taking charge of your present and building your future. If you want to learn more about the art of creating your future check out my other blog 6 EASY STEPS TO MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY